Coast Golfers Association of San Diego (CGASD) is a Southern California Golf Association (SCGA) affiliate golf club. As an SCGA affiliate club, we don't have a single "Home Course". Instead, we play our monthly tournaments at a variety of courses throughout San Diego County. Each May the club organizes a weekend trip to Palm Springs where we play 4 courses in 3 days with a group dinner on Friday night. Our monthly tournaments include team (2-man and 4-man) events, low net and low gross contests. There are also prizes for closest to the pins and long drives. Most years we have a match play series that runs from the springtime through the summer with the top three players collecting the prizes. If you would like to play as a guest in one of our events, the guest fee is $10. If you decide to be a member anytime within 30 days after playing as a guest, we will give you a $10 credit toward your membership dues. We have two "member/guest" tournaments each year when guests are allowed to play at no extra charge.