The members of the Mission Trails Men's Club are a friendly and eclectic group of people that enjoy the competitive spirit of the game. We play 24 tournaments throughout the year, including the President's Cup and Champion of Champions. These take place every other Saturday morning. Premium tee times are available to members on off Saturdays.
The Mission Trails Men’s Club was established in 1964 by a small group that had a vision of what a men’s club should be and how it should operate. It was nurtured over the years and membership grew. It’s goal to become the best club around. As the club membership grew, so did the feeling that it was more than just a club. It has become, as some members have quoted, “a family”. It’s not just about tournaments or playing off Saturdays with a bunch of guys. Members have gone on outings, gatherings and even vacations as a group and as an extension of their family. It’s truly an experience to be a part of.